Pay-Day Software Systems (Pty) Ltd (‘Pay-Day’) provides Payroll, Human Capital and Time and Attendance computer software to its clients. Pay-Day supports the software and offers training on the software to clients. Pay-Day is a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa with registration number: 2006/010098/07 as described in the Companies Act, Act No. 71 of 2008 and a member of SAPA – South African Payroll Association.
Pay-Day Software Systems’ directors are:
Tessa Venter (Director)
Engela Elize Bird (Director)
Nigel Paul Bird (CEO)
The Financial Director of PayDay Software Systems, Data Protection Officer and Information Officer, by due delegation, is Tessa Venter (as envisaged in the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013).
The Deputy Information Officer by due delegation is Engela Elize Bird (Director).
“Pay-Day”, “we/ us/ our” in this, our Privacy Policy (“this Policy”) explains how we protect, process, disseminate and use your/our customers/clients’ Personal Information we collect, as we are sensitive to all person’s personal information.
The information we collect
We use and process your personal information mainly to contact you for the purposes of delivering services accordingly. For this purpose, we will use contact details including your name, organisation and cellular number to send payslips to you via WhatsApp.
We use information (personal details) as provided directly by you. Where possible, we will inform you of what information you are required to provide to us and what information is optional.
How we use your information
We will use your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and agreed with you.
For example: To gather contact information; to send employee payslips via WhatsApp; and any other employment related purpose which has been approved by your employer.
Disclosure of information
We do not disclose your personal information to our service providers who are involved in the delivery of products or services to you. We have agreements in place to ensure that they comply with the privacy requirements as required by the Protection of Personal Information Act.
We will only transfer your personal information to third parties in another country in any one or more of the following circumstances:
- where your personal information will be adequately protected under the other country’s laws or an agreement with the third-party recipient;
- where the transfer is necessary to enter into or perform under a contract with you, or a contract with a third party that is in your interest.
- where you have consented to the transfer; and / or
- where it is not reasonably practical to obtain your consent, the transfer is in your interest.
Information Security
We are legally obliged to provide adequate protection for the personal information we hold and to stop unauthorized access and use of personal information. We will, on an ongoing basis, continue to review our security controls and related processes to ensure that your personal information remains secure.
Our security policies and procedures cover:
- Physical security;
- Computer and network security;
- Access to personal information;
- Secure communications;
- Acceptable usage of personal information;
- Governance and regulatory issues.
Definition of personal information
According to the Act ‘‘personal information’’ means information relating to an identifiable, living, natural person, and where it is applicable, an identifiable, existing juristic person. Further to the POPI Act, Pay-Day also includes the following items as personal information:
- All names, cellular contact numbers, employee identification numbers and salary Information to generate a payslip.
How to contact us
If you have any queries about this notice; you need further information about our privacy practices; wish to withdraw consent; exercise preferences or access or correct your personal information, please contact us at the numbers/addresses listed on our website.